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Conference Cal Library Released

Conference Cal Library Released

We are excited to announce that we’ve released the first major update to the GMN website. You can now access all the past conference calls and resources in the Resource Center! This includes all calls since 2019 and over 969 minutes worth of audio. You can also download the call notes from each.

“It’s been a lot of hard work, but we’re excited to do it and make this offering available to all GMN Ministers.” – Jason Nordin

When we first created the Resource Center, our idea was to have everything GMN in one place, and continually add valuable resources that would make holding credentials with GMN more beneficial. We think this is the first step in that direction.

1 Comment
Jason L. Henry
Posted on  05/13/2024 10:15 AM I'm very excited to partner with GMN and am looking forward to what the Lord has.
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